Medicine Hunter: Organic Heroes – Tom Harding

“Talk about a class act. Tom is an old-school warrior for good causes, a wheeler-dealer, a mover, a man of action and principle. I have lobbied in DC with him, and have watched him work a room. They don’t make them like Tom much anymore. ” - Chris K…

“Talk about a class act. Tom is an old-school warrior for good causes, a wheeler-dealer, a mover, a man of action and principle. I have lobbied in DC with him, and have watched him work a room. They don’t make them like Tom much anymore. ” - Chris Kilham

Agrisystems International

International Specialist in Certified Organic Food and Farming Production Systems

Sustainability, Organic Food, Agriculture, Trade, Policy

Tom Harding is an international specialist in certified organic food and farming production systems. He is the founding president of the Organic Trade Association; past president and world board member of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements based in Germany; founder and past president of OCIA International, one of the world's leading organic certification agencies; and co-founder and past president of the Institute for Alternative Agriculture. Tom has advised farmers, leading manufacturers, NGOs, and governments the world over on best practices in certified organic production. For more than 40 years, he has had a significant influence on the growth of organic farming and global trade in organics. Tom lives on an organic farm in eastern Pennsylvania and is an avid hiker and mountain climber. We are pleased to welcome him to our Boulder/Denver sustainable business community.

Founded in 1975, AgriSystems International has helped grow the Organic Food Industry for over 35 years. It is one of the first private agribusiness consulting firms to address the needs and interests of growers, processors, and marketers of organic foods and other agricultural products worldwide, by assisting clients in qualifying their systems for Organic inspection and certification by a USDA Accredited independent third-party certifier of choice. AgriSystems goal is to foster business partnerships that are socially and environmentally responsible, with a long-term view toward establishing Organic and Sustainable business integrity throughout the entire agricultural system, from farm to consumer.

• Global Trade in Organics
• GMOs in Agriculture
• Global Warming & Food Production
• Organic Agriculture Policy & Regulation
• Market Opportunities in Organics
• Certified Organic Production Challenges
• Animal Welfare
• Local & Fair Trade

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